Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hot in the City TONIGHT!!

*click on the see the mirage*

Darling dearests,
Whom we hold nearest,

Thank you for laughing and dancing last week,
You were so mirthful and loving that we couldn't speak
(and our hearts, they raced, and our knees went weak)!

So tonight, for you, our fun-loving friends
We're bringing you lightness and joy all over again!

And if you follow this silly, little link
( )
You'll witness something that'll tickle you pink!

We love you...we honestly do,
Kiki & Lala

Les Coquettes
w/ KiDLaptop
The SubMercer
47 1/2 Mercer
(btw Houston and Prince, beneath the Mercer Hotel)
17 July 2008

P.S. we are setting up a Flickr account and posting the pics of our parties...and all of YOU!!
Please send us your pics to post -- especially of last week -- it was paparazzi central that night!

We'd also like to to really thank everyone in attendance last week. Everyone got tossed and lost something at one point (a digital camera, two cell phones, clothes, a wallet!), and those who found them turned them in and got them back to their rightful owners! That's how trusting our parties are, and how trustful all of you are... You are the best lot of New Yorkers ever!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

FREE MAMMOGRAMS IN NYC. Friday, 11 July 2008

For (uninsured) women -- especially those with a family history of breast cancer -- there will be free mammograms available at St. Vincent's Hospital tomorrow, Friday, 11 July 2008. Be sure to take advantage of this incredible service...It could save your life!!

Lala (Gabby) -- who's own mother and great grandmother passed away from the disease, and who happens to be working on her own breast cancer art book project to raise awareness and services for underserved, uninsured women -- will be receiving a mammogram and encourages all NYC women to take this important preventative measure. Early detection is key!

Click HERE for details.

Thank you to the selfless and inspirational Marisa of Cancer Vixen who made this service possible!

Big Trouble Near Little China

Handsome women and beautiful men,
Allow Les Coquettes to seduce you again...

The summer solstice has now come and gone
So the days are as short as the nights are long.
And nocturnal creatures are happy to play
With more time to dance and have their way.

They celebrate Rosalyn's 30th birthday tonight
With special performances to thrill and delight!

Bring fun sunglasses, polaroids and hats
To Riv. 105 where the party is at!

Don't miss this one...big fun, Big Fun, BIG FUN!!

yours & yours,
Kiki & Lala

Les Coquettes
Celebrate Roz's 30th Birthday
w/ resident Benjamin Deffe
Riv. 105
105 Rivington (off Essex)
*entrance to right of the Hotel on Rivington*
10 July 2008