Thursday, May 22, 2008


We hate to say we told you so, but -- well -- we did! We disclosed insider information on our heavenly little secret, Breathe Inn, last week; and just yesterday Daily Candy discovered it and announced its goodness to all of Gotham -- now they're nearly booked up for the summer, and to get a room you'll have to fight tooth and nail, like UES women clawing at Manolo's at the bi-annual Bergdorf shoe sale!

You heard it here first -- or at least you ought to have. Come here daily for tastings of all things chic and delicious. Les Coquettes forever ... because our daily bon-bons are timeless...

That said, here's what Daily Candy didn't share with you:
Breathe Inn flyer
*click on the invite to view full details*

We're still privy to the really good stuff. For the optimal Breathe Inn experience, attend the blissful retreat detailed above. Vite-vite -- Depechez-vous!


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